Friday, April 13, 2012

Foster Friday: Outsourcing

We have been busy.   Visiting family for Easter.  Celebrating small successes.  Celebrating big successes with friends.  Visiting with friends who we don't get to see often enough.  And just catching up on life.

What does this mean?  There are some posts on their way.  Which is good since the foster related chatter is pretty much going to be non-existent until we actually get a kid.  Not sure what else is of interest to cover.  ***If you have suggestions/questions you'd like for me to cover, let me know.***  And it means that this week's Foster Friday post isn't so inspired.  But instead of completely boring you with my random babbling, I'm outsourcing since I ran across a wonderful article!

This morning I was checking out the same websites/blogs that I check every  morning.  And I was pleasantly surprised to see foster children highlighted on CNN. It was an article about the obstacles many face in adopting foster children.  Thankfully, a wonderful man started a great non-profit, Families Like Ours, that does everything in its power to make sure these kids get the forever home that they deserve.  It is a great article that you should really read.

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